Sandcel Polishing Filter
The Sandcel comprises of three layers, an upper layer of coarse sand and lower layers of fine sand separated from each other by a thin layer of gravel (supplied by the client) as per Fig. 1.0. The sands used throughout each Sandcel are provided with an independent certification to ensure compliance with the EPA Code of Practice. The Sandcel can be loaded to a maximum of 60 litres per m2 per day.
The Sandcel must be placed on a distribution layer comprising of a 300mm layer of 10mm pea gravel (supplied and placed by the client) as in Fig 2.0. The plan area, calculated by a site assessor, of the distribution layer is dependent on the T value or percolation rate of the receiving subsoil. It is compulsory that the T test is carried out at the infiltration level which is located at the base of 300mm thick distribution layer.