Tricel Puraflo

The Puraflo System is an advanced sustainable technology for the treatment of Wastewater in domestic homes.

Stage One: Primary Settlement – Physical Treatment

  1. The wastewater from the house flows into the existing septic tank.
  2. Initial settlement occurs.
  3. The gross solids sink to form a sludge layer at bottom of the tank.
  4. The liquid effluent flows by gravity into the pump chamber.

Stage Two: Puraflo Bio-filtration – Secondary Treatment

  1. The liquid effluent is pumped into the Puraflo modules.
  2. A pipework system at the top level in the modules evenly distributes the effluent onto a naturally occurring filter media.
  3. A combination of biological chemical and physical processes treat the effluent as it filters through the media in the modules.
  4. The treated effluent emerges from the modules through the outlet pipework for an approved disposal method.


Do you need a new Septic Tank?
Do you need a new Sewage Treatment System?
Do you need a site suitability report?
Does your sewage treatment system require maintenance or repair?
Is your percolation area or polishing filter not functioning correctly?



How the Tricel Puraflow works.

The Puraflo Residential System has undergone a rigorous performance testing regime to achieve the highest results required. The tables alongside show the sizes and the wastewater treatment capability of Puraflo.


Stage One

  1. Inlet pipe.
  2. Septic Tank.
  3. Baffle wall.
  4. Effluent filter.
  5. Pump chamber.
  6. Control panel.

Stage Two

  1. Inlet pipe.
  2. Puraflo module.
  3. Distribution pipework.
  4. Biofibrous peat.
  5. Sample chamber.
  6. Outlet pipe.

Wastewater Glossery

  • Sewage Treatment: Combination of physical and biological processes which breakdown the organic and inorganic sewage content which cause pollution to receiving waters.
  • Receiving Waters: All groundwaters and watercourses such as streams and rivers.
  • Population Equivalent (PE): A measure of the number of people the treatment plant serves.
  • Media: Bio-fibrous peat.
  • Sludge: The solids that settle to the bottom of the tank chambers.
  • BOD: Biological Oxygen Demand measured in milligrams per litre (mg/l) is a relative measure of how polluting the sewage is.
  • SS: Suspended Solids measured in milligrams per litre (mg/l) includes all suspended matter both organic and inorganic.
  • Coliform bacteria: A commonly used bacterial indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water.
  • Pathogenic Bacteria: Pathogenic bacteria such as Streptococcus are bacteria which cause disease in humans and animals.
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